» Jease » Documentation

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Do you want to contribute to Jease? Writing documentation is a good place to get started and will help to get people becoming more familiar with Jease. Any contribution is appreciated.

Maintenance mode

Jease can be run in a maintenance mode, so only administrators are allowed to work within the CMS.

To set Jease into maintenance mode, create a parameter JEASE_CMS_MAINTENANCE via "System > Parameter" and add a meaningful maintenance message (e.g. "The system is unavailable from 9am to 10am.").

If the system runs in maintenance mode, all non-administrators will be automatically logged out after having saved their current work. You can check if all users are logged out via the user management screen which displays the last access time of the user sessions.

Please note: don't forget to disable the maintenance mode after you've finished your maintenance work by emptying (or deleting) the "JEASE_CMS_MAINTENANCE" parameter.

Last modified on 2011-03-21 by Maik Jablonski