Content types provided by Jease

Jease provides several content-types out of the box which should cover many use-cases for a Content-Management-System. Jease makes it easy to create additional content-types, so use the default content-types as templates for your customized types.

Access: Allows to protect contents with login/password, works similiar as a .htaccess in Apache. You can specify a start/stop date which controls the timeframe when the Access object will guarding contents.
Composite: A folder which renders all of its contents as a single page. Per default a composite is a good starting point to build image galleries, download folders, blogs or to group any related content (text and images).
Discussion: Allows to add a threaded discussion / comment feature to your site.
Document: Allows to index various binary document formats like PDF, Word, Excel, OpenOffice, ... for full text search and plain text preview.
Factory: Allows to store content-prototypes with additional properties which are used for synchronizing properties for contents guarded by the Factory. For administrators only.
File: Stores all kinds of binary content (.exe, .zip, ...) as blobs in the file-system.
Folder: Use it to organize your content-objects in directories.
Gallery: A container which stores images and renders them as image gallery. Visible images will be shown as thumbnails whereas non-visible images will be included in an overlay lightbox gallery.
Image: Works similar as File, but allows only Images (.jpg, .gif, .png, ...) as content-types.
Item: A simple base type for creating dynamic content types with additional properties (e.g. via a Factory or forms).
Link: Stores an url to another website.
Media: Similiar to Image or File, but stores a binary media object (image, video) and renders it with appropriate html-tags as a page.
News: An annoucement with (optional) teaser, main story and publication date.
Reference: A symbolic link which can be used to "mirror" content at a different place.
Script: Allows to create dynamic content. Per default it uses JSPs as template engine, but it's easy to plugin other template engines. For administrators only.
Text: Stores html or plain text.
Topic: Use it to create sub-headlines in the navigation.
Transit: Allows to edit a file in the file-system of the server directly through the web. E.g. you can use it to edit JSPs online. For administrators only.
Trash: Not real content, but a container which works as trashcan and collects deleted objects. You can use several trashbins in your site.
Wiki: Allows to use Wiki-Markup to create content. Per default it uses the markup of Mediawiki, other markups are available (Confluence, Textile, Tracwiki, TWiki).
Last modified on 2011-12-27 by Maik Jablonski

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