
Jease uses Lucene as fulltext search engine under the hood (in the CMS as well as on the website) and uses the following operators:

  • Case is ignored, so searching for "Jease" is the same as "jease".
  • Per default whole words are searched, so searching for "reference" doesn't find "references".
  • You can use trailing wildcards ("*"). "ref*" finds "reference", "referrer" or "reflection".
  • You can combine several search phrases with a plus ("+"). Searching for "jease+script" finds all documents containing "jease" and "script".
  • You can use an exclusive (negative) search via "^". Searching for "jease+^lucene" finds all documents containing "jease", but not "lucene". You can even use the exclusive search as single operator, so searching for "^jease" finds only items which doesn't contain "jease".
  • You can combine several search phrases with a pipe ("|") to specify alternatives. Parentheses should be used for a unique interpretation. So searching for "(jease+ref*)|(database+^stor*)" finds all items containing "jease" and possible matches for "ref" (like reference, referrer or reflection) as well as all documents containing "database" but no possible matches for "stor" (like "store" or "storage").
Last modified on 2010-12-18 by Maik Jablonski

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